Aug 11, 2009

Cobblestone and buzz downtown

Downtown Madrid is so beautiful. Tiny, cobblestone streets with funky angles, people and tourists buzzing around at any hour, and above all -- tapas bars all over the place. It´s great to see old houses with their original architecture right next to small stores, both modern and ancient...wood framed windows and doorways and balconies all over the place. Sometimes it is good to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us every day.


  1. it's true.. soemtimes we're running so fast we fail to stop and see what's around us and realize all the beautiful things that we skip every day.. nice to stop and appreciate the little joys... like pretty cobblestone roads...

  2. Waiting for a new comment dear. And it´s true thanks to my guiri friends I appreciate deeply Madrid buildings when they come to visit me.


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