- I pay approximately 40 Euros per month for the plan itself. If I go to the doctor, the copayment is 1 Euro, unless it's urgent care (4 euros).
- Medicine is not on a copayment system, you just pay for the price of the medicine. But it seems to me that most medicine is reasonably priced.
- If I get any tests (blood analysis, x-rays, etc), the results are mine to take home. It's my responsibility as the patient to keep those documents and show them to the doctor. When I had pneumonia, I had 3 x-rays of my lungs over a period of 2 months, and I still have these at home. Patient accountability - what a concept!
- Tests and analysis aren't very expensive. I think I pay an extra 2 euros or something. In any case, the doctors here are quite reluctant to prescribe medicine to their patients without all appropriate tests first. This is the complete opposite from the US, and I think it's because the tests tend to be quite expensive and not covered by our health insurance.
They gave me a temporary card that I can use for going to the public hospital,
I asked for an appointment to meet my primary care physician, which will be this afternoon. I'm not sick or anything, but I am interested in learning about the system and will ask some very basic "I'm a stupid foreigner" questions.
Take a look at my appointment -- they print it out on a receipt!!!
Besides this you have to know that Healthcare in Spain is moved to each State. And the Basque HealthCare system is one of the best, specially when you have to book an appointment on the phone
its costs $3500 dollars to get an MRI in the US. Its about 90% less in Spain (200 euros or so)! Costs are ridiculous here!