Jun 26, 2008

Spain Plays Again Tonight

I'm already nervous. I found any red clothing that I can wear during the day to give good luck to the Spanish team. I even have my red hat with a torito on it. My cousins are in town too, so they will get to go to their first Eurocup game in a bar - I hope I can paint their faces...

One thing I have learned about Spanish sports culture, or at least what a few Spaniards have explained to me. They naturally default to not believing that they will win and criticize every detail. But the minute they win, wow - they are extremely proud! And you see this "I told ya so" attitude all of a sudden appear. It's really funny. I saw Manuel transform from a calm person watching a football game to a "TOMA, TOMA, ESTO SÍ ES ESPAÑA!" yelling Eurocup fanatic.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you enjoy your time in Madrid.
    ¿Hablas español ya?
    Greetings from Madrid as well
    I have two poems in english in my blog poetavagabundo
