Feb 9, 2008

Sick of Being Sick

So I know that I tend to get colds pretty easily, and being spoiled with California weather doesn't help, but this is out of hand.  I arrived in Spain October 4th, and since then, I think I've been healthy/feeling good probably for one month total.  Of course getting bronchitis/pneumonia in December and January pretty much meant well over a month of me under treatment. So I can understand that.  Now it's February and I keep getting allergic reactions to something and we have to start all of the typical tests to figure it out. In the meantime, I just want my lips back - normal size and without pain.  

So let's see - if I look at a calendar, I've been here 5 months and in those 5 months, I have seen 8 doctors in total, of which 3 were for urgent care. Most of the hospitals here tend to focus on specific areas or specialties, which means if you need something different, you might have to go to a different hospital. I have been to 4 hospitals here in Madrid.  Since I got sick in Granada, I had the lovely opportunity of going to urgent care in Granada.  Fun stuff.

So I'm thinking once I'm done with the MBA, I might be really knowledgeable about the health system and should look into if there are any business opportunities there that I should consider. Why not change it for the better? The health industry doesn't really excite me, but ya never know. 


  1. sana sana sana
    culito de rana
    si no te sanas hoy
    te sanaras manana..
    Hope you're feeling much better Sarita!! Hugsies!

  2. yeah, what gummy mommy said
