Nov 29, 2009

Christ was 33!

So I have read my share of the Bible, but I sure as heck didn't know that he was 33 when he died. How did I find out?

Because my coworkers asked me how old I was this last birthday, and when I told them they smiled and said, "Oh just like Christ". It was so odd to hear them react this way...first associating my birthday with Christ, not to mention that it was specific to the age he died (a bit morbid I thought). Apparently it's a nice thing and people like to recognize it.

Nov 11, 2009

No more smoky bars!?

So apparently there might be a new law introduced (for the second time in fact) that bans smoking in public places, such as bars and restaurants. HALLELUJIAHHHH!!!!! This will be amazing if it actually works! No more airing out your clothes once you get home so that in two days they no longer smell like smoke.

Note---The first time apparently the Spaniards rebelled until the law was deemed a "flexible suggestion", which now means all the tapas bars remain smoky as hell.

Read more about the new non-smoking laws

To give you a perspective, today I went out for lunch with three coworkers, one of which is 6 weeks pregnant. After the three-course meal (yes, this is on a workday), two of the gals got out their cigs and began smoking. Being a California, I practically wither away at second-hand smoke, but I was really surprised that nobody seemed to care that they were smoking in front of our pregnant coworker...